Tampon Tax Fund
HUCSF has received funding from a local charitable trust to set up a women’s mental health hub which will provide social and physical activity opportunities to all women aged 18+ who may be looking for an avenue for additional support with their mental wellbeing.
During the session the beneficiaries will have the opportunity to talk with people who may be going through similar experiences as them: financial worries, unemployment, post natal depression, mental health issues or just generally need somebody to speak with in a non-judgemental environment.
Physical exercise can benefit mental health by reducing anxiety and creating happier moods, reducing stress, instilling a greater sense of calm and clearer thinking and increased self esteem as well as reducing risk of depression and other social and emotional benefits.
These sessions will build social networks for women and girls. When suffering from depression, it is common to withdraw and avoid people and activities you previously enjoyed. Sadly, the more you isolate yourself, the more depressed you can become.
Most recent research shows that 6 wards in Hartlepool are within the 10% most deprived wards nationally and a further 1 is in the top 10-20%. These levels of deprivation and unemployment can have a negaitve impact on mental health.
There is currently little support exclusively for women in the town in terms of mental health, Male mental health is promiment in the news currently, but one in four women will require treatment for depression at some time, compared to 1 in ten men. In addition, it is estimated that between 10-20% of mothers may experience perinatal mental health issues which will not only impact on the mother but also the health and wellbeing of her baby and family.
Statistically, the female sucidie rate in the UK has increased by 10.2% between 2017-18.
We expect to see improved health and well-being, both physical and mental in participants in terms of fitness and improved mood through the provision of physical activity and the opportunity to talk about their feelings. People with mental health problems are staistically more likely to be obese, have 2-4 times greater risk of cardiovascular disease and 2-4 times greater risk of diabetes,
So many women suffer through mental health issues without diagnosis or support and it is vital that they know there are places they can go.
Sessions Available at:
Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation
The Prestige Group Stadium
Clarence Road
TS24 8BZ
Women’s Walk & Talk Group.
Meet at Hartlepool United
Women’s Wellbeing Group- arts, crafts, kniting, coffee morning, discussion group
Meet at 1908 Lounge, Hartlepool United
For further details or information please contact fit.fans@hartlepoolunited.co.uk