Premier League Primary Stars uses the appeal of the Premier League and professional football clubs to inspire children to learn, be active and develop important life skills.
The National League Trust, in partnership with the Premier League and the Professional Footballers’ Association, has agreed to offer a grant of £25,000 to Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation to run a Premier League Primary Stars programme.
Founded in 2010, the National League Trust is a charity that that distributes grant support to community projects connected to National League clubs, with the aim of supporting and developing their community involvement. Funding is made possible by the generous support of the Premier League and the Professional Footballers’ Association, who each contribute to a donation of £1.2m a year.
In addition to PE, English and Maths resources, Premier League Primary Stars also supports teachers to deliver classroom-based discussions and activities on important societal topics such as anti-discrimination, mental health and gender stereotypes linked to No Room for Racism, Wellbeing Stars, and Rainbow Laces. After using the PSHE resources, 72% said that their pupils understand more about how to challenge prejudice and discrimination and 79% of teachers said their pupils have a better understanding of how to look after their own wellbeing.
The programme has been developed and is managed by the Premier League Charitable Fund, a Premier League funded charity which aims to create positive and lasting sporting, health and education outcomes for children, young people and the wider community.
Designed by teachers for teachers, the curriculum-linked teaching resources support English, Maths, PSHE and PE, with flexible activity ideas, worksheets, lesson plans, assemblies and exclusive videos. PSHE topics include resilience, diversity, self-esteem and fair-play.
Professional football club staff also work with teachers to deliver fun, educational sessions in a range of subjects within local partner schools.
English, Maths and PSHE interventions.
We can work with individuals or small groups to full classes in any of these areas to achieve our Primary Stars aims which are to:
- Enhance children’s interest, understanding and confidence in English and maths and offer alternative ways to engage with children.
- Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values needed to achieve their goals.
Social Action Project:
The aim of the social action project is to enable and empower pupils to address an identified social need. Social action is defined as “young people taking practical action in service of others to create positive social change that is of benefit to the wider community as well as to the young people themselves. Our last social action project was designed around keeping plastic out of the seas and was a huge success in terms of raising awareness and cleaning up local beaches. The direction of the project is always set by the children and supported by ourselves over 6 weeks.
School Sports Days: We work with schools to help organise and deliver their sports days towards the end of each academic year.
CPD for Teachers: We work in Partnership with the Football Association to offer CPD training for teachers in the Hartlepool area. The training provides continuous professional development in developing their skills, knowledge and confidence in PE.
Supporting PE: We work with a designated Teacher over 6 weeks to help develop their skills, knowledge and confidence in the subject. This training is a major step towards our overall goal for the children which is to:
- Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills in competitive and non-competitive sports and physical activity.
- Support young people into further participation pathways in sport.
Premier League Primary Stars combines education and sports with the goal of inspiring girls and boys within the classroom, in the playground and on the sports field. Everything we deliver is underpinned by the core values of being ambitious, being inspiring, being connected and being fair. As an education programme, we connect our learning to the world of sport with our interventions focusing on engaging learners in English and Maths, tackling challenging topics within the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum, and supporting PE and sports in schools.
If you are interested in any of the above programmes, please feel free to email